Monday 15 September 2008

´Bean Bang´ 2008

These are images of my work from the recent .CHB Kollektiv show at Alexanderplatz on 13.09.2008. It was the first ever .CHB Kollektiv show and was organised in less than two weeks. I created this piece in the week running up to the event.

Thursday 4 September 2008

Drawings 2007

Example drawings from a series which I gave a working title of ´Escape Plans´. These were done in conjunction with installation work which eventually evolved in to my degree show. The degree show work also had accompanying drawings that were not shown due to spacial constraints.

´Untitled Suite of Four Drawings from ´Escape Plans´ series 2007 [Above]

´Untitled Drawing from ´Escape Plans´ Series 2007 [Below]

Degree Show 2007

Untitled installation for my degree show, June 2007.

Degree Show 2007 cont...

Old Work

´Untitled Bubble Drawing 2006´[Above]
´Untitled Bubble Drawing 2006 (Detail)´[Below]

These images are an example of drawings I did in my third year at the Glasgow School of Art. I used various types of inks, dye and paper.

´Untitled´ 2007 -Found cardboard box, masking tape and white cotton thread.

This is an example of a piece of work that informed my Degree show. I was working a lot with found cardboard boxes and cotton thread.