Tuesday 20 October 2009

Some embrionic new stuff, first post in aaaaaaages.

I will be posting lots of rough stuff over the next month or two. All these drawings are permanent marker on fabriano and are about a metre tall except for the rocket drawing which is on a3 paper and was the catalyst for all the others.

Wednesday 13 May 2009

Show with LIA at the Spinnerei runtgang, Leipzig.

'ATA" 2009 Series of five arrows made from cotton, cotton thread, glue, wood & mounting card & 'BOOM' 2009 Cotton, cotton thread, wadding & nylon rope.

This post contains images of two pieces of work that were displayed at the runtgang at the Spinnerei in Leipzig, Germany (www.spinnerei.de). Many thanks to Anna from the Leipzig International Artists Programme (www.liap.eu/de/) for allowing me to participate. Thanks also to Lyndsay, Meggie, Fritzi & Sebastian for all your help, support and kind words.